Learn how to write professional text messages that get your message across effectively. Follow these tips for clear and concise business communication.
Technology and Social Media
These posts focus on human resource technology and social media as part of business leadership and management.
Use Artificial Intelligence to Increase Your Curiosity
Embrace curiosity in the age of AI. Explore how curiosity can fuel innovation, adaptability, and success in the workplace.
HR Professionals Play a Key Role in Technology Strategy
Explore the crucial role of HR in technology strategy. Discover how HR professionals can harness technology to drive organizational success.
Have the Right Expectations Regarding Artificial Intelligence
Delve into the world of artificial intelligence and its current strengths and limitations. We really need to explore AI with eyes wide open!
10 Public Speaking Tips for Your Next Business Presentation
Discover the importance of public speaking skills in today’s professional world. Gain valuable insights and practical advice on improving your speaking abilities.
E-Verify: What Organizations Need to Know Today
Stay up to date with employment eligibility verification. Learn about the importance of the new Form I-9 and the E-Verify system for employers.
Build Trust at Work: UKG HR and Payroll eSymposium
Get insights on building trust in the workplace and improving your HR practices. FREE professional development programs at the UKG HR and Payroll eSymposium.