There. I said it. No one wants to participate in role play exercises. In fact, I think the only people who actually like role plays …
Training and Development
These posts focus on workplace training and employee development as part of business leadership and management.
Lessons Learned From My GPS
Mr. Bartender and I were driving to Miami the other day for a local festival. Since we had never been to this part of town, …
Under Promise and Over Deliver
It might be an old saying but I find the words valuable. One of the most frustrating things I deal with is people who promise …
Leadership Development Carnival – Anniversary Edition
Today is special for me not only because I’m hosting the Leadership Development Carnival but it’s also Mr. Bartender’s and my wedding anniversary. 23 years. …
Next to Agility, Speed Rules
Several months ago, I had the opportunity to hear Eamonn Kelly, author of Powerful Times, speak about current events and the impact they have on …
Meeting the Company Standard
In my spare time, I’m teaching a human resources class at a local university and we got into this discussion about graphic rating scales on …
Office Gossip and Rumors
Many people view gossip as a bad thing. And as such, they make every attempt to ban anything remotely resembling gossip in the workplace. I …