If you’re a certified professional attending the SHRM Annual Conference, you get special access to the HRCI Hideaway. The HR Certification Institute hosts this VIP Lounge for certified professionals as a way to say thanks and share the latest in certification activities.
At this year’s conference, I stopped by the Hideaway and learned about a new way to receive recertification credits. The SHRMStore Credit-Approved Book program recognizes the amount of time that HR professionals spend reading to stay current with their profession. SHRMStore Manager Andrea Cale said they started talking with HRCI about the program after hearing that members can sometimes spend 10+ hours on a book. And let’s face it, that amount of time is comparable to other recertification activities that are already approved.
Stephanie Runyan, HR products manager at the HR Certification Institute explained how the program works.
Anyone who is certified can elect to participate in SHRMStore Credit-Approved Book program. The approved books fall under the Continuing Education category on a certified professionals’ recertification application.
A maximum of 20 credit hours can be earned by utilizing the program. This cap was put in place to ensure that individuals have a well-rounded recertification process and don’t only utilize one type of activity to fulfill their recertification requirements.
Once an approved book is read, the HR professional takes a 10-question quiz. If they receive 70% or higher score, then they receive 2.5 credit hours per book.
HRCI was receptive to the program as a way to add a new dynamic to the recertification process. It makes sense. Now, we can receive recertification credits using all three learning styles: auditory, visual and kinesthetic learning. As a certified professional, I try to challenge myself when it comes to recertification. Instead of doing the same types of activities, I try to complete at least one activity in each section. Now I can add reading to the list.
Cale shared that certified human resources professionals have expressed a lot of excitement and interest in this program. Currently there are 9 items in the program and the SHRMStore is planning to add 40 new titles by the end of the month. The most popular books include:
Aligning Human Resources and Business Strategy 2nd Edition by Linda Holbeche
Becoming the Evidence-Based Manager by Gary P. Latham
Transformative HR: How Great Companies Use Evidence-Based Change for Sustainable Advantage by Boudreau and Jesuthasan
Proving the Value of HR: How and Why to Measure ROI by Jack J. Phillips
The SHRMStore Credit-Approved Book program was officially launched earlier this year. As more people become familiar with the program and begin using it, SHRM hopes to track utilization and see how the program is impacting certified professionals.
Certified HR pros: let me know your thoughts! What do you think of reading for recertification credit?