Back in the early days of HR Bartender, I wrote a post about how Customer Service is the New Marketing. And I still believe it. …
Technology and Social Media
These posts focus on human resource technology and social media as part of business leadership and management.
3 Things I’ve Learned Being on Social Media
In addition to writing HR Bartender, I’ve become very interested in other social media applications like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. I enjoy the relationships I’ve …
My Last Post
A Facebook friend posted a heartfelt tribute to a colleague who passed away from cancer. In my friend’s kind words, he asked people to read …
Happy Saint Patty’s Day
Today is St. Patrick’s Day. Regardless of your heritage, you probably know that it’s a holiday that’s become about celebrating the Irish, wearing green, eating …
POLL: How Would You Define Social Learning
I recently read a couple of books on social media and learning. The subject fascinates me and not just because I’m a trainer. I believe …
It’s Okay To Repeat Yourself
At a recent conference, the keynote speaker asked participants to discuss a question at their table. I was sitting next to a CEO who said, …
6 Tips For a Productive Synergy Call
In today’s business world, we’re regularly invited to participate in phone calls to discuss “synergies.” Back in the day, this was called a networking call. …