Management and Leadership: Organizational Strategies for High Performance

spectacular, fortune, management, leadership, training, development, high performance

Every organization is striving for high performance. I don’t know of a single organization that’s saying, “Our vision is to be mediocre. Let’s just do enough to get by.” Organizations want to be the best. To do that, they need high-performing employees.

But to have high performance, organizations need to think about their learning and development strategies. Here are a few popular HR Bartender posts from the year that focus on learning and creating high performance.

The Difference Between Goals, Objectives and Outcomes

The key to employee engagement is employees who feel their work is valued. Talent management links value to business outcomes via goals.

How to Create Learning Paths that Align with Company Goals

Learning paths allow employees to build knowledge or skills. We want them to align with company goals. These six steps help align learning paths to goals.

Employee Coaching Is a Form of Accountability

Employee coaching is not the same as discipline. That’s important because coaching is often perceived as negative. It’s a discussion for accountability.

4 Ways to Measure the Success of Your HR Programs

There is only one sure way to know if your HR programs are a success – measure the results. There may be many was to do that. Here’s a proven method.

Managers are key in the execution of the company’s learning and development strategies. Organizations need to not only make investments in employee learning but manager development as well. Here are some topics to consider when it comes to management development programs

The 10 Basic Skills that Every Manager Should Have

There are skills that every employee should have. Managers need those too, plus a few others. These are the 10 basic skills every manager needs to have.

Managers Should Spend the Majority of Their Time Doing This

Managers have a lot to do. And that’s exactly why managers should spend most of their time doing this. It helps with goals, performance and learning.

4 Ways Managers Can Create the Work Conditions for High Performance

Employee engagement and high performance should go together. There are 4 ways managers can encourage engaged employees into high performance.

Organizational success (which includes the bottom-line) is a result of employee performance. It only makes good business sense to invest in programs that will help employees become high-performers. This includes developing managers to be excellent coaches, trainers, and leaders.

Image captured by Sharlyn Lauby after exploring the streets of Gainesville, FL

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