Want a New Job in 2018? Here are 10 Things You Need to Know

new job, career, job, careers, recruiter, recruiters, interview, references

One of the comments I’m hearing from friends and colleagues is that 2018 is the year that they’re going to get a new job. Whether that’s applying for the promotion they’ve always wanted, transferring to a different department, or finding something outside the company.

But what’s that old saying about looking for a job being a full-time job? Even if it’s not, there’s no denying that looking for new opportunities takes time. It also involves preparation. I’ve put together a list of articles that can help you get ready for your job search. Even if you’re not looking at this moment, consider bookmarking it for future reference.

The 10 Habits of High-Performing Employees

High performing employees will always be in demand. These are the characteristics that organizations use to identify and develop high performing employees.

Asking Friends to Help You Get a Job

We often rely on friends when we need something. Need a job? Ask friends. But what is the best way to leverage a relationship to get the job you really want?

Dual Careers on Your Resume and LinkedIn

Many people have dual careers. How do they represent that on their resume? We go to the recruiting experts to learn how to handle dual careers on a resume.

Should You Connect with Recruiters on LinkedIn

Should you connect with recruiters on LinkedIn? Whether you’re looking for a new opportunity or not, it may be smart to connect with recruiters on LinkedIn.

Should You Include Your Photo on Your Resume?

Putting a photo on your resume may be trendy. But it may not be smart. In some places, it may be expected. We go to the experts to learn all about it.

What HR Won’t Tell You About Online Applications

How can a job applicant stand out when using online applications? HR professionals know what it takes and share their recommendations on using online applications.

How to Address Being “Forced Out” During a Job Interview

A job interview can be difficult. Especially if you’ve been forced out of your previous job. We ask the experts for their advice on how to address being forced out during a job interview.

Does Providing References Mean You’ve Got the Job?

You’re looking for a new job. The interview went well. Now they want references. Does that mean you got the job? The experts share their thoughts and tips.

How to Follow-up After a Job Interview

Follow up is extremely important after a job interview. But, how should you follow up? A letter or email? There’s a lot to consider to get it right.

What to do After a Bad Job Interview

Many job seekers have a bad job interview. There are things you can do if things don’t go as planned. We ask the experts to share their tips and advice.

Yes, unemployment is down and it’s a candidate’s market. But that doesn’t mean organizations are prepared to lower their standards. Make a good impression so you can get the new job (and the compensation package) you really want.

Image captured by Sharlyn Lauby while wandering around Paris – the one in Las Vegas, NV

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