A Little Remodeling

If you’re reading this post on the actual HR Bartender site, then you’ve noticed a few changes in the last 24-48 hours. And, if you’re reading HR Bartender from an RSS, email or Facebook page, I hope you’ll take a moment to click through to the actual site and check out our new look.

HR Bartender is almost two years old and I thought it was time to treat the community to an updated header. When I worked in hotels, we had this phrase about “not seeing the dirt.” You know, when you visit someplace for the first time…you see every scratch on the wall, knick in the furniture or crumb on the floor? Then after awhile, if you don’t keep your senses alert, you stop seeing those things (i.e. stop seeing the dirt.)

Well over the past few months, I’ve been chatting with people about the blog and getting some feedback. Things that were obvious to me…weren’t so obvious to others. So hopefully this fresh new header will not only be eye-catching but make navigating a little easier.

I also got some feedback about the content. Readers told me that, while I’m writing about stuff that pertains to human resources, I’m also writing about things that pertain to work in general. And many readers are forwarding HR Bartender posts to their colleagues who aren’t in human resources. Based on that feedback, I made a small but important change in the tagline for the blog.

Instead of HR Responsibly it’s now Work Responsibly.

Lastly, I wanted to share with you some of the writing I’m doing in other parts of the web. I’m really proud of it and it supports the conversations we’re having about the future of work here at HR Bartender. At the top, you’ll notice a tab for a new Resources page where I’ve listed other great sites that are publishing my articles. Please check them out when you have the chance.

Thanks to everyone for the feedback you’ve given me – it really helps make HR Bartender better and it’s most appreciated. Keep those suggestions coming!

Grateful Cheers to you all!

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