Bookmark This! Self Management for Remote Workers

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While we’ve been spending a lot of time talking about when employees will be returning to the office, it’s important to realize that some employees might not. Over the past year, organizations and individuals have discovered that employees can work from home and be very productive. They’ve realized that company culture doesn’t revolve around where employees are doing their work.

But for employers and their employees who are planning to continue to work remotely, this could be a good time to make sure that the workforce well equipped for the new normal. I believe it starts with knowing how to self manage. Here are a few articles on the subject that could be helpful in the self management journey.

Part 1, Knowing Yourself

Stepping back to assess and evaluate our strengths, weaknesses, and productivity is a valuable exercise for both our professional and personal lives. It allows us to keep focused and positioned to adapt as necessary. We can share this information with coworkers and family members so we can be our best selves at work and at home. And during those times when life is unexpected or challenging, we can draw from this information to manage ourselves well. 

Part 2, Doing Work You Enjoy

There are many different ways to earn a living. We can spend years trying to figure out the right career. Finding the way that’s right for you is key. Being a successful worker is about being productive with a little self management help. Knowing the exact recipe for making that happen will drive you to maintain a high level of productivity no matter where you are.

Part 3, Being a Part of the Solution

When we work remotely, we have to work through our problems on our own. In an office environment, we can leave our office or cubicle and find someone to talk to or help us figure out a solution. While we can do that to some extent working from home or the local coffee shop, it’s not the same. It’s not as easy to just pick up the phone and chat with a co-worker. 

Part 4, Managing Personality Conflicts

A key component to resolving conflict is understanding ourselves and self management is a key driver. When we can use the information that we know about ourselves to step outside of conflict, we can begin a dialogue and work toward resolving the matter.

Part 5, Learning How to Learn

In today’s work environment, it’s important to understand that we as individuals are in control of our professional development. And what better way to drive your career than by establishing your own development plan and on your own terms. Self management can help us understand how we like to learn and the best way to learn the information.

Part 6, Managing to Change

Whether we work in an office or remotely, today’s workplaces are becoming more social which, in turn, means they are becoming more personal. If we want to solve the business challenges of the future, the first step is being able to self-manage. The more we can manage to change, the greater our personal and professional potential.

All of us – organizations and individuals – want productivity. Companies want it because it benefits the bottom line. Individuals want it because it creates engagement and accomplishing goals feels good. Spending time to reflect on self management is good for us regardless of where we work. But as more organizations and individuals discuss and plan for short- and long-term remote working arrangements, it’s even more important than ever.

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