Bookmark This! The Employee Wellbeing Edition

Kronos time well spent cartoon showing importance of employee wellbeing

Happy 2020! I hope you had a fabulous holiday season and did something festive to bring in the New Year. It seems kinda weird to say we’re in 2020 when there’s been so much conversation about how 2020 defines the future. I mean, the movie Blade Runner was set in 2019!

With the New Year often comes a rush of adrenaline, we’re super jazzed about putting the past behind us and focusing on the future. We often have new goals or resolutions. Maybe we’ve made the commitment to start something new like a class or developing a new habit.

One thing that is important to keep in mind is taking care of ourselves. Today’s Time Well Spent from our friends at Kronos reminded me of that. While I’m excited about the new year and all of the new projects I’m working on, I need to take care of me. Wellbeing matters! That includes getting the right amount of sleep. Here are a few articles that might help you balance your personal and professional life.

You Can Work from Anywhere – But That Doesn’t Mean You Should

Technology is a wonderful thing that can give us flexibility. We can quickly take care of a work emergency and get on with our fun. But we must be careful not to let those 5-minutes here and 10-minutes there rob us of our time to relax and recharge.

Tips for Practicing Self-Care at Work

Organizations and individuals want the same thing. Finding ways to de-stress can help our personal wellbeing to professionally perform at our best. Don’t overlook these important self-care tips.

5 Tips for Managing Stress at Work

According to The American Institute of Stress, our jobs cause the biggest stress in our lives. It can show up as yelling at co-workers, damage to property or machinery, or harm to our personal health. Simply ignoring the signs isn’t the answer.

Employee Self-Care: 10 Ways Organizations Can Be Supportive

Companies looking to improve engagement and retention need to examine the ways they support employee wellbeing and self-care. And employees need opportunities to relax and recharge in order to do their best work.

The New Year is exciting. I know I’m ready to take on whatever it gives me. But I also need to remember to practice self-care so that I stay healthy, both physically and mentally.

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