Bookmark This! 10 Diversity Recruitment Resources

Diversity has a positive impact on the employee experience

Over the past few weeks, I’ve received several notes from HR professionals looking for good diversity recruitment resources. Organizations want to reach a more diverse candidate population. They want to build diversity into their employment brand, talent networks, sourcing strategies, and hiring processes

Here are a few resources I’ve found focused on the topics of diversity, inclusion, and equity. This is by no means a comprehensive list but hopefully, it will introduce you to some new websites and voices with that will help generate ideas that you can incorporate into your talent acquisition strategies. 

Defining Diversity and Inclusion in Today’s Business Climate

Successful organizations realize that their competitive advantage is having employees who are engaged with the company. Engagement happens when employees feel they’re included. When the company is operating at its best, employees are empowered to take care of customers and enabled to solve problems and remove obstacles.

The Business Case for Diversity

In this article, author Katrina Kibben shares “There is no formula or spreadsheet for human worth. There are statistics that estimate how many people are homosexuals in the first place, how many have come out at work (or haven’t) and how many people in the LGBT community report experiencing discrimination as a result of coming out. But as far as how that impacts the business? There’s no science to that.”

10 Black HR Influencers to Follow

Wondering the best way to start increasing diversity and inclusion in your workplace? Start by actually listening to, following, and supporting Black voices. If you’re wondering who to start following, check out these amazing Black HR and talent acquisition experts and influencers.

Organizations Need to Intentionally Embrace Diversity

Every organization should create processes and philosophies that align with their culture. But the goal is to do something. Organizations cannot simply say diversity is important and then do nothing to create it. And whatever the organization says is their stand on a diverse workforce, their actions need to support their words.

Build an Inclusive Culture Before Recruiting for Diversity

When people hear the word diversity, they often think race, gender, etc. – qualities that remind you of the census demographics. Inclusion is company specific. It’s about the intentional decisions the company makes. In organizations where talent is a driver of their business, there is a huge interest in investing in diversity and inclusion. 

The Right Way to Incorporate Diversity Hiring Goals and Strategies

Unfortunately, there’s no simple 10-step process to incorporate diversity into the hiring process. But there are many opportunities to successfully integrate diversity and inclusion into the hiring process. This article from the ZipRecruiter blog talks about the best practices to building diversity initiatives into recruiting. 

10 Ways to Attract and Hire Diverse Candidates

Diversity hiring isn’t a passing fad — it’s a smarter way to do business in the global market. A diversified workforce is more than just an item to be checked off from your employer branding list — it a real competitive advantage. In this article, author Kristina Martic shares ten easy ways to attract diverse candidates by making your hiring process more inclusive. 

5 Steps to Improve Diversity Recruiting

Bias can thwart diversity at every step of the hiring process, from recruiting, screening and interviewing to assessment and onboarding. But there are tactics that can help increase equity at each stage. Diversity hiring isn’t about one stage in a process. It’s about the more holistic area of belonging in an organization.

The Drive Between People Analytics and Inclusion & Diversity

It should come as no surprise that there is a strong correlation between diversity and a company’s financial performance. In this article, author Anthony Paradiso discusses the connection between diversity and inclusion efforts, people analytics, and the bottom-line. 

5 Actions That Employers Can Take to Make Minorities Feel Valued at Work

Author La’Fanique Reed explains how diversity and inclusion efforts in organizations are both a blessing and a curse. A blessing that corporations have an interest in creating a better workplace for underrepresented groups, but there are still disconnects. This article outlines five ways organizations can take positive action. 

If there are any consistent themes in these articles, it’s that diversity and inclusion isn’t an HR program. It’s a way of doing business. It needs to be ingrained into the company’s values and embraced at every level of the organization. 

If you have any favorite writers or podcasters on the topic of diversity and inclusion, please share them in the comments. It would be great to put together a resource list!

Image captured by Sharlyn Lauby at the SHRM Annual Conference

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