Company Culture, Employee Engagement and the Employee Experience Are All Related

toast the world margarita sign showing company culture should be celebrated

I know that many people are simply sick and tired of the culture and engagement conversation. I’m hoping today isn’t one of those days.

Culture and engagement are important. We all know this. I’m not saying that your company culture must be all sunshine and roses. Thinking back on my career, some of the best work experiences I’ve ever had were at companies that were tough. We worked hard. We had plenty of challenges. But we had an incredible sense of team. Everyone was in it to succeed.

That’s the point. Creating culture isn’t about creating rainbows and unicorns. It’s about defining a culture that everyone is comfortable with and unapologetic for. Then marketing it. There will be employees and candidates who are attracted to your culture.

As your organization is going through the exercise of defining their culture, here are a few articles that might be helpful:

Company Culture Needs to Get Employees Through the Hard Times

Company culture helps shape organizations and their people. Employees want to know that their company supports them in good times and bad.

Company Culture: Tell Employees They Own It

Company culture drives employee engagement, retention and recruiting. Communicate to employee that they own culture. And they can grow it.

Of course, the reason that all this talk about company culture is important is employee engagement and the employee experience. Your definition of culture paints the picture. Having clear alignment between company culture and the employee experience will determine if employees are going to engage and stay with the company.

3 Reasons Your Organization Should Focus on the Employee Experience

Employee experience is a key business concern. Recruiting and retention is tied to it. Here are the 3 primary reasons why employee experience matters.

Organizations: Are You Creating a Swipe Left Employee Experience

The phrase swipe left equates with discarding something for better options. Optimizing the employee experience helps employees want to stay.

Employee Experience Must Mirror the Customer Experience

Employee experience is important for recruiting and retention. Job candidates can develop expectations based on their experience as a customer.

5 Factors That Influence Company Culture and The Employee Experience

Company culture and the employee experience are key areas of business focus. Here are 5 areas where businesses can influence company culture.

Engagement or Connection: Why the Connected Workplace Might Be Better

Having a connected workplace may be better than engagement. Corel shows how team, task and technology come together to form a connected workforce.

Employee Engagement: Employees Want to Be Recognized for Their Hard Work

Employee engagement includes employee recognition. Management recognition is also important. But peer to peer recognition may mean even more.

If employees didn’t know it before, they are becoming very aware that it’s a candidate’s market. And they’re not afraid of hard work but they want to be treated right. I’m amazed at the number of employees that I interact with who talk about how terrible their companies are. I’m a customer! At some point, these employees are going to say “Enough! I’m outta here.” It won’t take them long to find a new job.

Company culture, employee engagement, and the employee experience are related. And they’re important. Business leaders might not always like these conversations. But, we need to own them!

Image captured by Sharlyn Lauby after speaking at the SHRM Annual Conference in Las Vegas, NV

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