Workplace Wellbeing: How Organizations and Employees Can Work Together

two birds over the phrase doing very well thank you implying workplace wellbeing

A key component of workplace culture is wellbeing. Employees want to know that their work environment contributes to their wellbeing (versus taking away from it). I’m not talking about the occasional stressful day when we’re faced with a big deadline. Wellbeing is about employees feeling both physically and mentally healthy about their relationship with work as well as their co-workers, their boss, and the company in general.

That’s a pretty tall order when it comes to wellbeing efforts. As I read more about wellbeing, I’m realizing that wellbeing isn’t simply a company program put together by the human resources department. Yes, wellbeing is about the organization and its policies. But it’s also about the employee and their work habits.

For wellbeing efforts to be successful and have an impact, both organizations and employees need to work together. Here are seven articles that can help both individuals and organizations focus on making wellbeing a win for all.

Worrying Is a Symptom of Employee Stress [infographic]

Worrying has been identified as a symptom of employee stress. Supportive management and comprehensive benefits programs provide a psychologically safe place.

Employee Burnout: 5 Organizational Programs That Can Reduce It

Employee burnout is a key workplace concern today. Turnover can hurt business success. Learn five proven programs to help reduce employee burnout.

How to Talk About Psychological Safety in Your Organization

Psychological safety helps employees take risks and grow. Association for Talent Development (ATD) shares tips for discussing psychological safety at work.

The Next Employee Challenge: Loneliness in the Workplace

Loneliness is the new employee challenge. In the book Back to Human, author Dan Schawbel shows that managers must work to develop a connected and engaged culture.

You Can’t Tell Your Employees to Unplug If You Don’t Do It Yourself

Unplug from technology – that’s the recommendation from managers to stressed employees. Here are three things to consider if you want to unplug.

Workism: Employees Need to Understand the Role of Work in Their Lives

Workism is not the same as being a workaholic. Employees need to have a healthy relationship with work. Business culture can help them understand.

Employees Need to Figure Out Their Workstyle

Workstyle is all about how we want to work. Employee engagement comes from within each of us. Employees need to figure out their workstyle.

Employees and organizations are under a lot of constant pressure to perform at a high level. And let’s face it, today’s news can often be overwhelming and stressful. We need to take care of ourselves. Because the healthier we are, the better we perform. Both at work and at home.

Organizations want employees to be at their best. It helps them deliver results. We have to view wellbeing as a partnership. It’s time to start working together to make the work environment a positive contributor to wellbeing.

Image captured by Sharlyn Lauby after speaking at the SHRM Annual Conference in Washington, DC

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