Recruiting Challenges: People and Process Are the Answer

recruiting, recruiting challenges, people, graffiti, wall art, hiring, talent, HR Bartender

Organizations continue to be focused on finding the best talent. Even organizations that have recently announced layoffs and reorganizations are still focused on hiring, engaging, and retaining the best talent. Any time an organization hires someone – even one person – they want that person to be the best. Then they want them to become engaged with their role and stay with the company.

I know many HR departments that are examining their current recruiting processes to see if there are places where they can become more effective and efficient. One way to do that is to think about people and process.

1) Do we have the right people involved in hiring? And have we given them the tools to be successful?

2) Are we using the right processes to source, interview, and select employees?

Here are a few of the popular posts from HR Bartender that you might find useful in evaluating your recruiting processes:

10 Strategies for Recruiting in a Highly Competitive Job Market

Recruiting can be a challenge during normal times. To recruit in a highly competitive job market, consider using some of these proven strategies.

5 Ways to Reinvent the Traditional Job Interview

The job interview has changed a lot over the years. But, has it changed enough to keep up? Here are 5 ways to reinvent the traditional job interview.

Pre-Employment Tests Can Help HR Hire Faster (and Better)

Hiring the right candidate has never been more important. Pre-employment tests can help HR hire faster and better. But you have to find the right tests.

And, when it comes to the people involved in hiring, here are some things to consider:

Your Company Culture is Responsible for Attracting and Retaining Talent

Attracting and retaining employees is more important than ever. Your company culture holds the key. Here are some resources to learn more about culture.

The 10 Skills Every Recruiter Should Have

Every recruiter needs to perform at a high level. Having the right skills is important. Use this list to help develop effective skills in every recruiter.

10 Recruiting Tips for First Time Managers

Knowing how to recruit top talent is important. And new managers need strong recruiting skills. Here are 10 recruiting tips for first time managers.

Before Interviewing, Train Hiring Managers on These 5 Things

Hiring managers have a critical job. You can’t assume they can recruit just because they have a title. First, train your hiring manager on these 5 things.

IMHO, recruiting is one of the HR functions that should be evaluated regularly. Even if no one thinks there’s a problem. It’s important to keep both the processes and individual skills current. That way, organizations can stay ahead of the competition. And isn’t that what finding the best talent is all about?

Image captured by Sharlyn Lauby while exploring the streets of Las Vegas, NV

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