The Definition of Data Collection Insanity – Friday Distraction

There’s an often used quote attributed to Albert Einstein, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

I was reminded of the quote when I saw this Time Well Spent from our friends at Kronos. While there are some cases where we can still gain insights from old data collection methods, we have to be careful that new information doesn’t remain hidden because we’re using old techniques. In addition, organizations might have to temper their expectations where timing is concerned. We can’t expect to gain new understanding at a faster or same pace using old data collection methods.

data collection, Kronos, data, big data, Time Well Spent, technology

In today’s business world, organizations need data to remain competitive – both in terms of customers and talent. But that means organizations need to invest in their technology infrastructure that will allow for proper data collection. Here are a few things to consider:

Think short- and long- term. Building a data collection infrastructure doesn’t mean buying the biggest and best right away. Think about the organization’s need over time. Using a phased-in approach can allow the organization to create buy-in, adjust to change, and allocate resources efficiently.

Get comfortable with early adoption. It’s possible that at some point, the organization will need to consider new technology. There are times when it makes sense to wait until a technology is proven and other times will benefit from earlier participation.

Assume it’s a never-ending cycle. I know we’re not supposed to “assume” in business, but I think this one is a pretty safe assumption. Technology continues to evolve and organizations need to be prepared to evolve along with it. There’s a point where clinging to old infrastructure can be detrimental to the organization.

I enjoy plenty of old-school technologies. It’s hard to move from the comfortable way of doing things. In some cases, it can be expensive. Organizations that want to continue to move forward have to think about building a data collection infrastructure. Then plan for building another one when this one becomes dated.

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