Quick Shots for #Recruiting Pros and #JobSeekers – Job References Edition

job references, references, recruiting, recruitment, job candidate, reference

Just because it’s a candidate driven market doesn’t mean job seekers are always steering the conversation. Take job references for example. I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about them. Here’s the latest:

Hello. I’ve had two interviews with a company. A couple of weeks ago, the manager asked for my references and I provided them. All of my references have confirmed that they spoke with the company but I haven’t heard anything yet. When is it appropriate to follow-up?

One of the most difficult and frustrating things for candidates is the waiting after a job interview. It’s so hard to try to second guess the company. And for that reason, I’d suggest not trying to. But there are some things that everyone should try to remember when it comes to job references.

First of all, job references are used for more than getting a job. They can help secure board positions or be used in business proposals.

And there are legalities when it comes to the proper requesting and use of job references. Whether you’re a recruiter or a job seeker, it’s important to have at least a little understanding of the law.

Selecting the best job references makes a difference. Check out this expert advice from Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter on how to select and use them.

A huge mistake is letting your job references get out of date. If that happens to you, here’s how you fix it.

If you’re wondering if your company is obligated to write a reference letter for you, attorney Jonathan Segal gives us the answer.

And I purposely saved this one for last. Recruiting experts Lars Schmidt and Chris Fields answer the question: does providing references mean you’ve got the job?

Job references are a tricky thing. They do more than get you a job, so you should always have them ready. And providing them doesn’t always mean you’ve got the job. I wish I could say that there’s one sure way to respond. Unfortunately, there’s not. Follow-up in a way that you are comfortable with.

Image captured by Sharlyn Lauby just before exiting reality in South Florida

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