Middle Managers Are the Key to Reducing Bureaucracy

I ran across this post title the other day – “Forget Middle Managers. Here’s Why.” Of course, the article goes on to explain how bureaucratic organizations are filled with ineffective managers. Which can be very true. And, if your organization is trying to shed some of their bureaucratic ways, then the goal is to help middle managers get better in their roles. Makes total sense.

Managers, reducing bureaucracy, work, work it, leadership, management

The question becomes, how? I believe this will be different for each organization. Yes, there are common competencies that every manager should possess like excellent communication skills. But when it comes to other skills, organizations need to take an inventory of the skills managers have and the ones they need. Then create a strategy to address the gap.

If you’re wondering how to start the conversation about leadership and management development in your organization, here are a few of the most popular posts on HR Bartender related to the subject.

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Getting rid of management doesn’t solve the issues with bureaucracy. Organizations need skilled managers to address the issue of bureaucracy. It’s just time to give middle managers the tools they need to be successful.

Image captured by Sharlyn Lauby while working it near Miami, FL

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