Remembering the Importance of Memorial Day

Tomorrow is Memorial Day in the United States. Memorial Day commemorates U.S. men and women who died while in military service. I’d like to think that almost every country has their own version of Memorial Day, even if they don’t recognize it this weekend.

memorial day, holiday, independence, country, government

For Americans, this long weekend will probably be involving grilling, watching the basketball playoffs, and hanging out with friends. Mr. Bartender and I are going to check out the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. But during the course of our time off, please join us and take a moment to reflect on the significance of this national holiday.

The United States exists because our ancestors were willing to go to battle for our independence.  And, we are able to openly complain express our views about our economy, our government, etc. because people have and continue to defend our basic freedoms.

Regardless of your political opinions, Memorial Day is about honoring and paying our respects to the people who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

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