Candidate Experience 2.0 [infographic] – Friday Distraction

Lots of talk about the candidate experience these days. Lots! Almost to the point where I wonder if we’re starting to tune the conversation out. And we certainly should not because the discussion is more important than ever.

I ran across a new term that intrigued me: Workspace Consumer. The idea is that workers will control where, how and when they work. I immediately thought of this as the next evolution of the candidate experience. We’re seeing the candidate driven market. Job seekers can find work opportunities the way they make informed consumer purchases. This infographic from Johnson Controls paints a great picture.

candidate experience, workspace, workspace consumer, SW2040

Granted, in some organizations, employees already have control of certain aspects of their work. The first thing that comes to mind is telework or telecommuting. But I think what we’re talking about here so much more than that. Not to mention that organizations like Great Place to Work and Glassdoor have the potential to be branded the “Consumer Reports” of work.

If you want to learn more about workspace consumers, check out the full (PDF) Smart Workplace 2040 report. I thought the concept of “trophy offices” wasn’t too farfetched. How many other concepts will we see in the not too distant future?

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