Technology Can Boost Employee Engagement [infographic] – Friday Distraction

By now, all of us understand that technology plays a big role in our personal and professional lives. And we’ve all seen at least one article talking about employee engagement and the lack thereof. What’s important to remember is that technology isn’t the cause of employee disengagement, unless of course, someone intentionally made it that way.

Motivating Employees Digital Age, engagement, technology, ATD, infoline

In fact, when used correctly, technology can be a tool that helps engagement. Late last year, I had the opportunity to work with the Association for Talent Development (ATD) to produce an issue of TD at Work titled “Motivating Employees in the Digital Age.” It’s a follow up to my earlier InfoLine on “Motivating Employees.”

Honestly, we don’t have to recreate the wheel. We have the ability to use classic motivation theories in a modern context to engage today’s workforce. We do need to look at the wheel a little differently. And this is what this issue of TD at Work explores.

If you’re not familiar with TD at Work, it’s a subscription service that offers practical guides on talent development. The guides are short, filled with practical information and job aids. If you want to get a sense of what a TD at Work looks like, you can take a look inside the one I just wrote on “Motivating Employees in the Digital Age” by visiting here.

To motivate and engage employees today, we need to use the tools that are available to us. That includes technology.

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