Make Sure Your Employees Know the Plan – Friday Distraction

We’re officially in hurricane season here in South Florida. That means we need to dedicate some time to reviewing our annual disaster recovery plan. Regardless of the size of your business, it’s important to be prepared. And your employees need to be prepared as well.

From the hurricane perspective, I can’t emphasize enough developing an inclement weather plan. Know what you’re going to do with furniture, fixtures and equipment. How will computer back-ups get handled? Make sure employees have a way to communicate with the company. You don’t know when you will be faced with a storm.

But today’s Time Well Spent from our friends at Kronos made me realize that, when we talk about making sure your employees know the plan, we’re not just talking about disaster planning.

Kronos, cloud, weather, employees, training, Time Well Spent, employees know the plan

Organizations need to share with employees their technology plan. If we want employees to embrace technology and use it to its fullest potential, they need to understand the roadmap. It’s like the research that shows employees perform better when they understand how they impact the bottom-line. Employees will use technology more effectively when they understand how the technology impacts the business.

The plan will be successful when everyone knows it. And supports it.

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