Looking In All the Wrong Places – Friday Distraction

I must admit, I don’t lose things very often. In our house, everything has its place. But occasionally I find myself running across something in my suitcase that I forgot to unpack – a black pair of socks that blend with the luggage lining. Or a necklace that slid into a crevice.

When I do realize something is missing, it’s easy to get frustrated searching around the house. Especially when I realize that I’ve been looking in all of the wrong places. Today’s Time Well Spent from our friends at Kronos reminds us that often what we’re seeking can be right in front of us.

Kronos, productivity, data, analysis, looking

In business, when we go on the quest to get data, we need to stop and ask the question: Where’s the best place to collect this information? Organizations need not only relevant but cost effective information. It’s easy to waste resources if we spend our time looking in all the wrong places.

Oh, and on a somewhat related note. During the HR Tech Conference, I received a Tile (https://www.thetileapp.com/) This is very cool. It can help you find things. Like your keys. Or your car. I’m thinking about trying it on my luggage. Check it out. It might be a nice gift idea for a friend or family member.

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