Job Seekers Numbers At a 4 Year High – Friday Distraction

Not only has recruiting shifted to a candidate-driven market, but the number of people open to changing jobs has spiked. This is good news for job seekers looking for a great opportunity and recruiters looking for the best talent.

LinkedIn, job, job seekers, recruiting, candidate, strategy

For organizations, it means that establishing a solid recruiting strategy is essential. A haphazard approach will not get you the results you’re seeking. Today’s infographic, courtesy of LinkedIn, shares information to help you develop a recruiting strategy to attract those job seekers at every stage of their journey. It confirms things we should already know – like the number one channel for discovering a new opportunity is via referrals. But it also shares some data that organizations need to notice. I thought the information about speed in the hiring process was very interesting.

As we start to think about 2016 strategies, organizations would be well served to review their employment brand and discuss how they will remain competitive when it comes to attracting and retaining talent. This is one of those times when being proactive will reap big rewards.

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