Planning For the Unexpected – Friday Distraction

(Editor’s Note: Today’s post comes to you from our friends at Kronos, the global leader in delivering workforce management solutions in the cloud. The Workforce Institute at Kronos recently published their 2015 Workforce Trends Forecast, with some interesting predictions about evidence-based management and consumer technology. Be sure to check out the full list here. Enjoy the post!)

There’s an old saying, “Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.” The idea being that I shouldn’t have to change my plans because you don’t have it together.

A variation of that is the line “I’m not ready for you today, so come back tomorrow.” I was reminded of this recently when I was trying to purchase something. I kept calling to buy, but the company kept telling me to call back. Today’s Time Well Spent from our friends at Kronos really captured how I felt about the situation.

Time Well Spent, Kronos, customer, service, customer service, business, product

When we’re in the business of taking care of customers, we have to plan for the unexpected. Yes, we can tell the customer to call back or visit again. And maybe they will if we have a unique product or they’re a loyal fan of the brand. However, I can’t help but wonder how long that will work.

New businesses are starting all the time. It’s possible that the strong business competitor we need to worry about isn’t the one with the flashy new product, but the one that doesn’t tell customers to come back tomorrow.

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