Building a Solid Foundation for Success – Friday Distraction

A couple of years ago, I officially made the switch from coffee to tea. Since then, I’ve become a total tea snob. Yes, I admit it. I have my preferred tea blends, tea equipment, and tea preparation method. My tea routine has become a little joke around the house. But there’s almost nothing that makes me happier than the perfect cup of tea in the morning. I feel so calm and productive. Ready to start the day!

I couldn’t help but smile when I saw this Time Well Spent from our friends at Kronos. Wouldn’t we all like to think a perfect cup of tea (or coffee) is the answer to everything?!

Time Well Spent, foundation, success, coffee, Kronos, work, workplace, culture, employees

Truth is…the perfect cuppa might make us feel good but we need more than that to achieve our business goals. Organizations have to build a good infrastructure with an engaging workplace culture, well-trained employees, financial resources, and both internal and external systems. Those are the pieces we absolutely need to be successful.

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We can’t lose sight of the true systems and processes that help us personally and professionally. Yes, there are things like a nice cup of tea that wake us up and get us going. But they aren’t a substitute for having a solid foundation.

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