The #1 Cause of Death at Work [infographic] – Friday (Non) Distraction

I love my iPhone and tech toys. But with them comes being a responsible user. Not just in terms of being safe with data and privacy matters but in actually using the phone. Yes, I’m talking about driving and cell phones.

Thanks to Mythbusters, I learned a long time ago that texting/talking and driving is more dangerous than drinking and driving. But, just because one is worse than the other doesn’t condone any of it. It just means we have to take driving safety very seriously.

No offense to Mythbusters but, if you want some data from a source other than a television show, check out this infographic from the National Safety Council. I had no idea the millions of dollars in employer liability.

NSC, National Safety Council, infographic, workplace, death, cause, cell phone, policy

If you’re looking to make your employees safer and reduce company liability, check out the cell phone policy kit that the National Safety Council has created. You can download it here. Let’s see if we can keep ourselves and everyone else a little whole lot safer in 2014.

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