Workplace Flexibility As a Retention Strategy [infographic] – Friday Distraction

Companies that want to win the war for talent can’t simply focus on their hiring strategy. Sure, it’s important to hire the right people. But retaining them is equally important. The last thing any business wants is to spend lots of time and money hiring someone, only to have them leave after a few months.

This infographic from Plantronics and ColumnFive Media has some very interesting statistics about offering flexibility as a retention strategy. Flexibility isn’t confined to schedules. It includes the technology. I particularly liked the Cornell University study showing companies that grant employees a choice in how they work grew 4x faster. Flexible work grows the bottom-line.

infographic, Plantronics, Column Five Media, retention, flexibility, hiring, Cornell University

Finding and keeping talent continues to be the #1 issue for organizations. The way to get top talent is to give them choices…so they will choose your organization.

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