Working the Night Shift [infographic] – Friday Distraction

My mother worked the night shift the majority of her career. Ya know why? Because she liked it.

premiums, night, infographic, Mercer, shift, night shift, perks, Friday Distraction

Some people just aren’t “morning people” or “early risers”. They like starting their workday in the afternoon. They are productive at midnight. When I worked in the hospitality industry, we gave second and third shift employees perks that other employees didn’t get. One of them was a condensed workweek. Night shift employees worked four 10-hour shifts; everyone else worked five 8-hour shifts.

This infographic (click to enlarge) from Mercer shares some of the benefits and restrictions associated with working nights. I did find it interesting to learn that some countries do not permit women to work nights.

Do you offer special benefits for employees who work nights? Let us know in the comments.

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