Quick Shots for #HR and #Business Pros – July 2014

Wynwood Miami, hr, business, change, transformation, Tucana Global, discount, discount code

I love street art. Not talking vandalism here, but the bold visual images of an artist communicating with the public. This month’s image is from a neighborhood in Miami called Wynwood that is experiencing a renaissance as a design and textile area.

This month’s quick shots are all about change. Whether it’s changing the way we live, do business, or think, change is all around us.

Students at Florida Institute of Technology studied the impact of emoticons in business communications. Will we start seeing Emoji Writing 101 classes soon?

A new way to do research for meetings. Refresh is an app that links with your calendar then searches social media to aggregate information that you can use during your next meeting. If used incorrectly, this could be pretty creepy. But think of the practical business use – sales people can use it before client appointments. Job seekers can use it before interviews.

Monitoring bathroom breaks isn’t how you build employee engagement.

A question for every manager: Would your employees walk off the job to save yours? A group of employees did just that.

This summer’s viral video: “Weird Al” Yankovic’s Word Crimes. I’ve watched it more times that I care to admit. LOL!

And lastly, I’m very excited to share with you an event in London this Fall – Tucana Global’s HR Change & Transformation conference. HR Bartender readers can get a discount on registration using this code: CT14SL1.

Image courtesy of HR Bartender

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