The Candidate Experience Applies to Mergers [infographic] – Friday Distraction

A while back, I participated in a Google Hangout with India HR LIVE on recruitment marketing. (You can check out the archive here). It was an interesting conversation moderated by Nisha Raghavan, who also co-hosts Drive Thru HR.

One of the topics we discussed was – when does the candidate experience begin and end. My thought? It really doesn’t. People are always taking in information about companies and making assessments about that information. At any point, we can get a call saying, “I’ve got a great opportunity you’d be perfect for…” and a person’s initial perception about the company matters. That’s a part of the candidate experience.

Organizations can’t simply turn on their employment branding charm like a faucet. Companies should be building their employment brand even when they’re not hiring.

There’s a great example in this infographic [click to enlarge] from Mercer on top talent retention during mergers and acquisitions (M&A). SHRM’s HR Magazine reported 63% of U.S. companies could initiate at least one acquisition in 2014.

mergers, acquisitions, infographic, Mercer, SHRM, HR Magazine, candidate experience

Integrating distinct cultures has some of the same benefits and challenges as onboarding. If companies want to keep top talent during M&As, maybe they need to take a page from the candidate experience handbook. When an acquisition is imminent, employees have initial perceptions about both of the companies involved.

Infographic courtesy of ColumnFive Media

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