What Is Ban the Box [infographic]

This post impacts both HR pros and job seekers.

criminal record, ban, box, ban the box, application, recruiting, civil rights

If you’re not aware of “Ban the Box”, this is legislation you might want to pay attention to. It’s a civil rights movement organized to persuade employers to remove the box on applications that indicates an applicant has a criminal record. Our friends at HireRight did a great job of explaining “Ban the Box” in this infographic, so I wanted to share it with you.

As the infographic points out, “Ban the Box” isn’t trying to take away the employers ability to do background checks. It is trying to give all applicants a fair chance in the hiring process.

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Job seekers will want to know their rights when they apply for jobs. And human resources professionals will want to make sure they are in compliance with the laws in their area.

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