Quick Shots for #HR and #Business Pros – March 2014

volunteer, SHRM, ethics, business apps, conferences, New Orleans, HR Florida

National Volunteer Week starts on April 6. I couldn’t resist sharing with you some fave photos from my volunteer past. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Dave Barry was the keynote speaker when I chaired the HR Florida conference. And years later, when I was president of HR Florida, musician Morris Day (with The Time) rocked our 30th anniversary event. I’ve been very fortunate in my human resources career and I feel that giving back to the profession is important.

Here are the quick shots for March:

You guys know I’m currently serving on SHRM’s Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics panel. I always find this report from the Ethics Resource Center interesting. This year, the study reported that 1 in 5 workers who reported misconduct suffered from retribution as a result.

What are your go-to business apps? Here’s my list on the SHRM We Know Next Blog.

This is a great story about how mobile devices are changing education. These students are going to expect the workplace to be just as progressive.

Do you work with a messy desk? This latest study from the American Psychological Association says messy desks encourage creativity.

Over the next few days, I’ll be sending updates from New Orleans. I’m speaking at the International Sleep Products Expo and attending the Great Places to Work Conference. Look forward to sharing updates soon!

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