A Little Mystery is Fine – Friday Distraction

In the past, readers have asked about managing employee restroom behavior. Frankly, it’s a touchy subject. Employees who spend too long in the bathroom or visit what appears to be more than a typical number of times. But what happens if an employee is using their restroom time in a productive way? Productive for the company, that is.

Today’s Time Well Spent cartoon from our friends at Kronos gives a whole new meaning to the bio break.

Time Well Spent, Kronos, mystery, bio, bio break, restroom, bathroom, employees

This actually reminds me of the days when employees would follow me into the ladies room to talk because they didn’t want to be seen by their supervisor coming into human resources. Yes, that actually happens.

In today’s business world, many of us have a blended personal and professional life. We rely upon technology greatly to get work done. Our devices are with us all the time. However, it might benefit us to remember our audience. Everybody doesn’t have to know everything. It’s okay to have a little mystery and to have maybe a couple of places that are considered off limits – like the restroom.

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