Knowing How to Use Your Technology – Friday Distraction

(Editor’s Note: Today’s Time Well Spent is brought to you by Kronos, the global leader in delivering workforce management solutions in the cloud. Kronos recently added Certify, a leading cloud-based travel and expense management solution to their marketplace. You can read more about the announcement here. Enjoy the post!)

I’m not sure how it happens but Mr. Bartender and I always manage to be cleaning out our garage in the middle of summer when it’s 90 degrees with off-the-charts humidity. Oh well, at least we have an organized garage!

But our annual garage cleaning activity always reminds me that I need to use the things I own. And use them to their fullest potential. Before purchasing the latest gadget or subscribing to another service, I should step back and ask myself, “Do I already own something that does this?” Or, with today’s technology, can I simply purchase an app versus buying an entire system?

I couldn’t help but smile when I saw this Time Well Spent cartoon from our friends at Kronos. In my past, I’ve seen plenty of times when a company has bought a new product or service instead of fully understanding what they have. In fact, who am I kidding – I see employees do this all the time with their smart devices.

tech, HRTech, technology, Kronos, app, organize, Time Well Spent

When you don’t know the full capabilities of your technology, it’s easy to waste time, energy and money on things that aren’t necessary. Taking the time to learn the capabilities of your technology might seem like cleaning out the garage – a tough job that no one wants to do. But the reality is there’s nothing like the feeling of an organized garage.

And there’s nothing like understanding how your technology can benefit your business.

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