Value: Putting a Price Tag on College [poll results]

We recently asked you to evaluate whether the college experience was worth the price tag. Here’s what you said:

poll, results, poll results, college, price, value, degree, college degree, skills, graph

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Lots of interesting data. For example while the majority said college was worth it, it wasn’t what I would call an overwhelming majority (only 57%). But if you add the people who think the cost of college will eventually pay off, then college comes away with a pretty clear value proposition.

Then again, if you look at the number of people who don’t think college was worth it and don’t believe it will benefit them in the long run…those numbers match the people who are waiting for college to benefit their professional lives.

The numbers told me that college continues to be something we have to consider carefully and shop for real value. It’s not one-size-fits-all when it relates to our careers.

Not all professions need a college degree. Colleges and universities offer a wide variety of programs and experiences. At a wide range of prices. Each of us has to weigh what we want from the college experience, what we need in terms of our future professional lives, and how much money we have/want to spend.

We also need to get the most bang for our buck. It’s hard once you’ve graduated from college to go back years later. Not impossible, but I’m sure there’s a big adjustment.

As we see more flux in the world of work – skills gaps, Boomers retiring, young professionals being under-utilized…the subject of college and its value will continue. The question is will our opinions remain the same.

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