How I Work – HR Bartender Edition

I love hearing how people work. Especially people who work from home. I think it’s interesting to see the workspaces of famous people.

Lifehacker created a series called “How I Work”. It asks heroes, experts, brilliant, and flat-out productive people to share their shortcuts, workspaces, routines, and more. They have profiled best-selling author Daniel Pink, Birchbox founders Katia Beauchamp and Hayley Barna, and Food Network Chef Aaron Sanchez.

Then David Kelly, author of one of my fave training blogs, Misadventures in Learning, decided to do his own “How I Work”. And he encouraged others to follow suit. So I decided I would. It’s not as easy as it looks – to write about how you work. But I hope you find it interesting…enjoy!

work, office, workspace, training, work space, eLearning, Office Space

Location: South Florida (Specifically, Fort Lauderdale)

Current Gig: I’m a consultant, focusing primarily on management training. And of course, author of HR Bartender.

Current mobile device: iPhone 5, iPad

Current computer: Old DELL Studio XPS with dual monitors and a recently replaced hard drive

One word that describes how you work: Constantly

What apps/software/tools can’t you live without?  Microsoft Outlook. Seriously, my whole life is in Outlook. I once thought I lost my calendar entries and broke down crying. Luckily, Mr. Bartender was able to recover them.

Also, I recently took an iPhoneography course. I’ve become addicted to camera apps. And now I really understand why Instagram is so popular.

What’s your best time-saving trick? I got Mr. Bartender an electric smoker for his birthday. On the weekends, we’ll put something in the smoker and then use it for meals during the week. Great food and I didn’t have to spend hours preparing it.

What’s your workspace like? I always joke that I have the best office I’ve ever had in my career. It’s true.

What’s your favorite to-do list manager? Outlook – see above.

Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can’t you live without? I’m really enjoying my Jawbone UP. Takes some getting used to but I like the information I’m getting from it.

What everyday thing are you better at than anyone else? I’m ridiculously organized. I keep all my work in Pendaflex folders by day, so it doesn’t pile up on my desk.

What do you listen to while you work? Nothing. Occasionally, I’ll open up my iTunes library and let it play random songs. It’s funny to have Christmas music pop up in the summer.

Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert – no question about it.

What’s your sleep routine like? Most nights, I’m in bed by 10:30p and up by 6:30a (without an alarm). I started tracking sleep with my Jawbone UP. It’s interesting.

Fill in the blank. I’d like to see ____________ answer these same questions.  I’d love to see some of my fellow HR bloggers take the challenge.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?  “Live where you want to live and then go find a job there.” – My father-in-law

What are you working on right now? We’re working on converting some of our classroom training programs to eLearning. A very exciting project. I look forward to talking about it more as we get closer to going live.

P.S. On July 1st, Google Reader is shutting down!  If you’re reading there, you can follow me on FeedlyOld Reader, or Blog Lovin. Or sign up via email.

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