Using Profanity At Work [video] – Ask HR Bartender

Today’s reader question deals with a very personal subject – profanity, foul language, cursing, swearing…whatever you choose to call it.

I’m new to a company (less than 90 days). My boss and the other supervisors use foul, unprofessional language that would put a sailor to shame. I’ve asked them not to do so in my presence, but it fell on deaf ears. They say “I take things too seriously.” However, I’m offended when they tell me to “just f—ing do it!”

My boss loves the progress that I’m making. What was once a MESS is starting to become manageable and organized. In fact, I’ve already earned a bonus. I like what I do. The opportunity is awesome. But, the foul language makes me want to walk out. What should I do?

Those who know me know I’m not much for profanity in the workplace. So that does factor into my response. Other people have no qualms dropping the F-bomb. That’s who they are. I’m not judging. Just stating the obvious.

But there is a bigger issue that companies and employees need to address – consistency. You’ll see what I mean in my response to the reader.

What do you think? Is profanity at work okay?

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