The War For Talent Returns – Include Technology In Your Strategy

Some people groan when the phrase war for talent is mentioned. I’ll admit, the term has been around for a while. It was first coined in 1997 by McKinsey & Company to describe a competitive landscape for recruiting and retaining talented employees.

Truth is, that’s exactly what we’re facing right now – a competition (aka “war”) for talent. I’ve been out at a few conferences lately. Every person I’ve spoken to is hiring. But I’m also hearing about the challenges companies are having finding qualified candidates. One person I spoke to recently said she couldn’t find someone who could pass a 5th grade math assessment.  There has to be an efficient and effective way to sift through the recruiting noise and find good candidates.

Good news. The advantage we have today (versus 1997) is technology. The recruiting industry has embraced technology and social media to make finding talent more efficient.

Now I know what you’re thinking. Every job site promises the moon and stars. And I won’t insult your intelligence. You’re right…they do. That’s why it’s important to do your homework where technology solutions are concerned. Three things come to mind when it’s time to evaluate recruiting technology solutions.

  1. Easy to Buy: Purchasing and implementing a recruiting technology solution should be a no-brainer. The value a technology solution brings in terms of scalability, cost-effectiveness, and compliance makes this a must-have in today’s competitive landscape.
  1. Ease of Use: Once the recruiting solution is implemented, it should be easy for HR and hiring managers to use it. The goal is recruiting technology will make your lives easier, so you can focus on building candidate relationships.
  1. Easy to Share: In addition to making the company’s work easier, a recruiting technology solution should make things better for the candidate. They can share their interest via mobile, share a job opening via social, and stay in touch regularly.

In the war for talent, companies need to stand out. The last thing you want to stand out for is a lack of technology.

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