Job Seekers Research Companies Before Applying – Friday Distraction

We often talk about the steps companies take to check out a candidate’s background before hiring them – reference checks, background checks, credit checks, etc. I’ve noticed that we’re not spending equal time talking about the things candidates do to check out the companies they’re applying at.

Yes, of course – candidates are researching companies.

We say that the interview process is a two-way street. Companies interview candidates and candidates should interview companies. This mini infographic from Glassdoor shows that job seekers are also doing their due diligence – a company background check if you will. 96% of job seekers say they are influenced by employee reviews. That’s right, 96%.

job, job seekers, Glassdoor, interview, background, background check, reviews, employee reviews

Glassdoor offers job seekers a unique look at a company. Do you know what candidates and employees are saying about your organization? And do you know what to do with the information? Glassdoor put together an ebook with useful tips and resources to leverage employee reviews. You can download a copy here.

The world of recruiting is changing. Job seekers have new tools to help them make informed decisions about where to apply for work.

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