Operating in Silos – Friday Distraction

If you’ve heard the term “operating in silos” before, then you know it’s not considered to be a good thing. The metaphor refers to people or groups that don’t share information or cohesively work together.

Today’s Time Well Spent from our friends at Kronos puts a different spin on the concept of silos.

silos, business, metaphor, Kronos, companies, share, sharing, Time Well Spent

When I think of a silo, it’s a place to store food for future use. The idea isn’t to hoard and not share. In fact with food, you have to consider spoilage. Silos allow for storing food in a controlled environment until a time when it’s needed.

Apply that same concept to data silos. Companies can store information in a controlled way so employees can access it when needed. When the data is no longer relevant, it can be purged and new data is added.

I wonder if there are advantages to working in silos. Especially if the silo is data. What do you think?

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