Resume and Job Seeker Tips from HR Tech Pros

Tomorrow we will see the latest employment numbers and there are some rumblings that the numbers will be less than spectacular. While I have no idea what the numbers are, I am seeing more colleagues talking about job search and getting more questions about the subject in general.

If you or someone you know is looking for their next opportunity…or maybe you’re thinking about starting a search, let me share with you my latest article over at Mashable, “How to Leverage Applicant Tracking Systems to Land a Job”.

There are lots of articles about why companies should buy applicant tracking systems (ATS) but this one is for the job seeker. It focuses on how candidates can understand and use the system to land that job. I believe the data in an ATS is only as good as what people enter into it. So let’s make sure candidates know how to utilize it properly.

The article features recommendations from Jason Buss at Talent HQ along with friends of HR Bartender iCIMS, Ultimate Software and SilkRoad technology. I hope you’ll check it out when you have a chance.

Image courtesy of Mashable

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