Passive Talent Is So Obsolete [infographic] – Friday Distraction

One concept that has flown out the window since the Great Recession is employee loyalty. I believe too many employers demonstrated their lack of sensitivity during tough financial times and, as a result, employees figure they are on their own.

Of course, not all employers did this and they are reaping the benefits in terms of high employee engagement and increased talent retention.

Today’s infographic, courtesy of LinkedIn, shows us how passive candidates aren’t really as quiet as we might think. Passive candidates are those individuals currently employed that really aren’t looking for new opportunities. In the past, they were the ones that a recruiter might have to convince a little before pitching a new job. Those days might be over.

The stat that caught my eye? 47% of professionals with less than one year on the job are exploring new opportunities. That number should raise a lot of questions.

candidates, passive, passive talent, obsolete, infographic, LinkedIn, job

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