Ask HR Bartender: Getting Hired With Friends

We all like working with our friends. Who wouldn’t?  And research shows when we do, our engagement is better and we stay with the company longer.  That being said, trying to get hired along with your BFF isn’t always the best idea.  Which is why I wanted to answer this reader question.

My friend and I are seeking to work with XYZ Company. We are two creative directors; her from the music/entertainment, and I from the fine art/education world. We are both highly specialized in our respective concentrations. We are definitely those outside-of-box thinking and looking creatives, and that is why I am thinking XYZ Company is perfect for us. I was wondering if you might be able to give us some advice about getting hired.

Here’s my suggestion to the couple looking to get hired at the same company:

Any other recommendations?  How would you suggest they go about getting hired at the same organization?

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