PowerPoint Isn’t Your Presentation

I recently wrote a post over at SmartBlog on Leadership titled “7 tips to enhance your next presentation”.  It outlines some tips to consider when developing a PowerPoint presentation.

Probably the most important takeaway from the session was “Your PowerPoint deck is not your presentation.”

I was reminded of this during a recent conversation about conference iPhone / iPad apps.  I asked about including the speaker PowerPoint decks within the conference app.  I got a little pushback.  The reasoning was, including the decks with the app meant everyone would have the slides – even the people who didn’t attend the conference.

And I thought…so what?!  The deck isn’t the presentation.  The speaker is the presentation.

That being said, I’m not suggesting that every speaker give their PowerPoint slides away for free.  Creating a PowerPoint deck takes time.  Sometimes it contains a proprietary chart, graph, or image.  Even so, the PowerPoint is not the entire presentation.

Let me know your thoughts on this.  Can you figure out the entire message of a presentation by looking at the speaker’s PowerPoint slides?

Image courtesy of billjacobus1

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