Ask HR Bartender: A Day In the Life of Human Resources

This reader has asked a terrific question:

I’m thinking about moving into human resources.  I was wondering if you can provide more information, for example what’s a day in the life of a person who works in HR?  Thanks for all your help.

Before I answer this question, I have to tell you a funny story.  For the years I worked in corporate human resources, the only part of my job that Mr. Bartender saw was the part I did at night or on the weekends.  Which was usually the fun stuff – like buying decorations for an employee party or researching where I could get purple star cookies for benefits open enrollment.  Then, Mr. B got a job with an HR marketing company and they put him through weeks of training about HR topics.  Stuff like – ADA, FMLA, EEO, etc.  One night he comes home and says, “OMG, I had no idea this is what you did all day!”

That’s why this question is so important.  I really wonder how many people know how HR spends their time.

Now, I hate answering a question with “it depends” but it really depends.  Let’s make a few assumptions:

We’re talking about generalists.  Because if we were referring to a training specialist…well, they do training all day.  Generalists deal with a little bit of everything.

The industry is not a 365/24/7 operation.  If you work in a 24-hour operation then it’s anybody’s guess what you could be doing from day to day.  There have been plenty of times I left the office planning to complete a project the next day.  Then, someone does something stupid on the overnight shift.  The next morning, that’s my new agenda item (surprise!)

It’s not a specific HR time of year.  Let’s face it – there’s an open enrollment time of year, a holiday party or summer picnic time of year, maybe even a performance appraisal or seasonal recruiting time.  Those are the moments when everything else goes on hold and we accomplish the major project.

If I were to ask twenty HR pros how they spend their time, I’d get twenty different answers.  But let’s try to help this reader out.  Here’s a poll question:  On what function do you spend the majority of your time?

[polldaddy poll=5154760]

I haven’t seen a survey like this in a long while.  The results could be very interesting.  Please share with your HR friends.  It will be great to see the results.  Thanks!

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