The Internet: Benefit or Entitlement

I saw this video a few weeks ago asking people if they would give up the internet for the rest of their lives in exchange for a million dollars.  You can check it out here.  The results aren’t too surprising given the “rest of your life” condition.

Then I saw this report from Cisco that indicated 1 in 3 college students consider the internet to rank right up there with air, food, water and shelter.  You can see the full report here.  I wonder if this is because today’s students have grown up with access to the internet.

As much as I hate to admit it, I’m old enough to remember life before Al Gore invented the internet.  (LOL!)  So you’d think I’d be okay going old school and giving it up.  But I’m not.  Like many people, I rely on the internet…a lot.  And I admit that, like many people, I get really cranky when I go somewhere and they don’t have reliable internet access.

Does this mean the internet is changing?  What once was a benefit is now an entitlement?  Or maybe it’s like water and electricity – we all need it but have to pay for it.

Let me know your thoughts on this:

Would you give up the internet for a million dollars?  What about 10 million dollars?

Is access to the internet a benefit or an entitlement?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.  Look forward to the discussion!

Image courtesy of codiceinternet

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