The First Question Networkers Ask – #WHATIDO

I stumbled across an old article on outlining the questions master networkers ask. It reminded me that, a couple of years ago, I created a Twitter hashtag called #WhatIDo.  At the time, I did it out of my frustration in trying to figure out what all the people I engaged with on social media did for a living. A client or friend would need something and I didn’t know exactly who to contact with the referral.

Honestly, this seems so logical to me.  We can’t support each other on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ etc.  if we don’t know what people in our network community do.

And I know that some people (myself included) are apprehensive about announcing work details to the world for fear we’ll be branded “one of those people who all they do is sell.”  So maybe we can create a compromise.  Let’s resurrect #WhatIDo Wednesday as a way for people to tell the world what they do for a living.

I hope you’ll join me in telling everyone what you do.  I’d love to know.  And send you leads if I hear of opportunities.

Whaddya say?  Are you in?

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