You Can Go Home Again

A reader recently wrote me a very long note (too long to reprint) about career development for HR professionals.  His question was basically,

“If you leave human resources to gain operational experience, are you able to return?”

This same conversation came up when I was in Sandusky, Ohio speaking at the Ohio SHRM Conference.

The short answer is yes.  You can return to human resources.  I have several friends who have left HR, spent a few years in the operation then returned to HR.  So, there’s your proof.

But there’s more to answer than just “yes, you can go back.”

Many years ago, I had an opportunity to leave human resources.  I was working in the hotel industry and my boss talked with me about moving into the operation.  He felt I would be good it at and suggested I consider an operations career.  While I didn’t end up leaving human resources, his comments made me realize I needed to spend more time learning the operation.  So instead of leaving HR, I took on additional assignments to gain a greater perspective of the business than just HR.

While this question was about leaving and returning to human resources, this situation could apply to many professionals.  Here are some things to consider:

Decide why you want to make a transition out of your current career.  Is it temporary to learn something new?  Or is it because there are no jobs and you need to pay the mortgage?  Be honest about what’s driving the decision.

Think about how you’ll spend your time outside of your career.  Every profession has topics to keep up with, professional associations, networking events, etc.  Do you plan to stay in touch with what’s happening, even if you’re not working in that field?  And if the answer is “yes”, are you prepared to pay for those expenses yourself?

Consider what might happen if you don’t return to your profession.  I’ve seen a few colleagues leave one profession for another…and end up enjoying it more.  How will you feel if, for whatever reason, you don’t return?

Making this kind of change is not impossible.  When I’ve seen it be most successful is when people consider why they’re making the change, how they will deal with the transition and keep an open mind about the future.

Let me know your thoughts on this.  Ever thought about changing careers?

Image courtesy of David Reece

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