Lots of Shoutouts

Since I started HR Bartender, one of the things I’ve realized is that writing a blog is about more than just writing.  Sure, writing is a big part of it, but there’s really a whole bunch of other interactions that take place which are just as valuable.  Talking with other bloggers, sharing information, connecting to the community are all part of being a blogger.  These things not only help me and the blog, but they benefit the entire HR Bartender Community.  So, today I wanted to share with you some examples of how blogging opens other doors and extend my thanks to those who helped make them happen.

First, I’d like to thank Laurie Ruettimann from Punk Rock HR for her generosity.  Recently, Laurie and I were chatting about the business books we accumulate.  I mentioned that I try once a year to clean off the bookshelf and give my books to a local SHRM student chapter.  Well a couple weeks later, I get a big box of books from Laurie for the students!  My local SHRM chapter, the HR Association of Broward County, is delivering the books as we speak.  My thanks to Laurie for her contribution.  (And, if you’re wondering what to do with the extra books in your office…consider giving them to your local student chapter.)

Friend and fellow consultant, Nancy Newell, sent me another fabulous photo for HR Bartender.  You guys know I have several of Nancy’s photos on the blog and this is a terrific addition.  Thanks to Nancy for sharing!

Earlier this week, Michael Krupa at Infobox blog, hosted the Carnival of HR .  The theme of this edition was Mardi Gras and Mike assembled a terrific reading list about all things human resources.  I’m honored that HR Bartender was included in the list.  So go check it out when you have a moment.

You probably also noticed the new big orange button on the right of the blog.  My local newspaper, the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel is hosting a “Best of Blogs” (aka BOB) contest.  HR Bartender has been nominated in two categories: Best Business Blog and Best Overall Blog.  For the next couple weeks, you can vote for your faves.  If you’re a fan of HR Bartender, I hope you’ll take a moment to vote.

Full Disclosure: the downside is the site does ask that you register before voting.  The good news is you can vote every day!   Ha.Ha.  Sorry – couldn’t resist.  Seriously, any help you can give is most appreciated!  I’m a fan of the newspaper and it’s a great way to generate exposure for them and the South Florida blogging community.  Thanks for your assistance.

As you can see, the reasons you might start blogging aren’t necessarily the same reasons to continue.  I’ve met dozens of smart and savvy business professionals (like you!) through the HR Bartender Community.  You’re the reason I keep doing this.  It’s your comments and interactions that drive me to be better each day.  Thanks and cheers!

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