My Favorite Interview Question

Years ago I found an interview question that I really liked.  One that told me a lot about candidates.  I forget how I discovered it, but once I did I’ve been using it ever since.  The question is:

Tell me about a time you had to work with someone you did not personally like.

I think one of the reasons it’s a great question is because it uses behavioral interviewing techniques.  People have to reach back into their experience and share a story about dealing with people.  The answer will give you some insight into how they would react if placed in that situation again.

I also believe it’s one of those questions you can’t fake.  Sorry folks, but if anyone tells you “Oh I’m a people person and I get along with everyone.”  They’re lying.  Pure and simple.  We all have to interact with people that might not be on our BFF list.  It’s a part of business and there’s nothing wrong with it.  The important part is how people handle the situation.

The answer to this question can tell you volumes about the type of people the candidate enjoys working with, who they don’t enjoy working with, and how they handle uncomfortable situations.  All great things to know when evaluating how someone will acclimate into your corporate culture.

So tell me…what’s your favorite interview question?

Image courtesy of I Don’t Know, Maybe

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