Going Out of Business

Driving around town, I’ve noticed quite a few going out of business sales.  Merchandise is being drastically discounted because everything has to go.  Not a huge surprise in this economy.

I always wonder when I see these if the company could have done something to save themselves from going out of business.  I mean…could they have a great sale or special promotion or lowered prices?  If these companies have always been doing all that, I never see those signs…just the ones for when they go out of business.  Like the only time they market is when they’re closing their doors.

Reminds me of when employees announce they’re leaving.  Now all of a sudden, we need to throw a party or do something because they’re leaving.  I’m not anti- going away parties but the questions remain, “What are you doing for employees when they arrive?”  “How are you thanking them every day?”

Like the company that only promotes the going out of business sale, I wonder how many businesses only recognize  employees when they leave.  Instead of celebrating their arrival and the great things they do each and every day.

I’ve also seen the opposite – organizations that get criticized for not making a big deal out of a person’s departure.  The employee perception is, the person who doesn’t get a going away party wasn’t liked by the company.  Or the person who gets what is viewed as a token compared to someone else who might receive more.  So, what is meant to be a gesture of thanks, becomes a popularity barometer.

We have to market ourselves and our business every day; otherwise we’ll go out of business.  Right?  And, we need to recognize our employees regularly – or we’ll be out of staff.

Image courtesy of timetrax23

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